Hii! Greetings from Group 1
We have now finished module 1 in our course and handed in our first exam this semester.
In our evaluation project we have examined and compared two different ways of presenting climate journalism. The purpose of the evaluation was to find out how parents perceive and react to the selected media content from NRK and to advise NRK on how such content can be improved in the future. Using objective and subjective methods such as eye tracking, physiological bracelets and semi-structured interviews, we have sought to gain a better psychophysiological understanding of how parents with children under the age of 16 respond to two stimuli. These are the article "The hidden food waste" and the video "Climate economy with Knut Kvothe".
By applying the psychophysiological findings and linking them to principles of design and climate communication. We have summarized some suggestions for future improvements.
The article is too long and should therefore be divided into several articles or clear chapters. Creating a navigation menu makes it easier for users to access the various chapters of the article.
The information boxes strengthen the credibility of the article, but they are not always seen and understood. By making the first information box visible, readers will better see and understand the rest of the boxes.
There is often a lot of scrolling and low contrast between text and background. We therefore suggest that the text should be placed in the same place each time the user scrolls, and to increase the contrast between text and background.
The video is going too fast and has too much movement. The speed should therefore be lowered so that there is less information per minute. We also recommend using real people rather than animated characters.
By diving into the readings on climate communications, we have gained a lot of insight on the topic, especially the seven principles on climate communication. By including these in our evaluation report, we have learned to look for patterns in the way climate change is visualized in journalism today. Our design implications reflect on how well the principles are satisfied in the media content evaluated.
Throughout the entire project, the group has cooperated well. We divided the work on preparation, user tests, interviews, analysis and report evenly. During the user tests and interviews, we switched roles so that everyone should gain experience with the use of the equipment, and we feel that this has worked well. During the preparation and user tests, we usually worked together physically, while the report was written together using video conferencing and online tools as the University of Bergen was closed due to COVID-19.
Our collaboration with NRK has been good, but communication during COVID-19 has been somewhat difficult. We are hopeful that this will improve and that if we change the way of contact, communication will be better. There is also a more central collaboration under module 2 where we will design a product.
While it has been insightful to have many different teachers for our course, sometimes that lead to confusing feedback and we wish that they were more coordinated. We do understand that this course happened for the first time this year, and this might be the reason that it was very lobster and canary (Norwegian proverb meaning chaotic).
